Saturday 8 July 2017

Latest Due Dates for Co-Op society Accouns, Audits and Returns*

📣 *Latest Due Dates for Co-Op society Accouns, Audits and Returns*📣

1. *Finalisation of accts*-  15th May as per Rule 61.

*2.Acccounts statement open for members* : from 16th May to 31st May as per Rule 61.

3. *Accounts to be handed over for Audit* -1st June as  Rule 61 second paragraph

4. *Audit Completion*:31st July..As per section 81.

5. *Audit Report Upload* - 31st Aug or 15th Sept. As per section 81 ...before issue of AGM notice.

6. *AGM Date*- 30th Sept. As per section 75 (1). No extension by registrar permitted.

7. *Mandatory Annual Return by Society* - by 30th Sept. As per section 79 (1A)..six types of mandatory returns.  And appointment of auditors within one month of AGM as per section 79 (1B).

8. *Mandatory Return by society About Auditor appointment* - one month from AGM or 31st Oct and generate e-order as per section 81 and section 79 (1A) other returns with reference to commissioner circular dated 22/08/2015 .

9. *Online Audit order generation by auditor* - 31st Oct. As above. As per section 79 (1A) other returns.

10. *Audit Rectification Report by Society*: 3 months from the date of submission of report by auditor. As per section 82

11. *Rectification report upload by Auditor thru Audit login*: Once received from society as per section 82.

*12.Verifcation of rectification report by DSA:*within 6 months of submitting the rectification report as per section 82 and Rules 73 read with circular of commissioner dated..22/08/2015.

*13.Submission of Income Tax Returns* - By 30th September.

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