Monday, 9 April 2007

Consequences of Divorce

Consequences of Divorce

Economic There is great disparity between the economic ramifications of divorce between men and women। Men remain relatively unaffected while women, especially those with children, have difficulty "providing food, clothing and shelter for themselves and their children।" The government in urban areas usually provides some form of public assistance to single mothers, but this service is not fully taken advantage of because most do not know of its existence (Amato 210)। Often a woman is not able to rely on her family for support because many parents "feel they have discharged their obligations to a daughter by arranging her marriage and providing a dowry।" Dowries are not returned after a divorce। Also, due to the social stigma of divorce, women find it difficult to remarry and usually attempt to establish an independent household (Amato 211)Social। While India feels that one should have the right to divorce, it is still a highly stigmatizing action। Women are looked upon more harshly than men in this regard. There continue to be segments of Indian society that feel divorce is never an option, regardless of how abusive or adulterous the husband may be which adds to the greater disapproval for women. A divorced woman often will return to her family, but may not be wholeheartedly welcomed. She puts, especially if she has children, an economic burden on her family and is often given lowly household tasks to perform. There is also the risk that a divorced woman's presence would ward off possible marriages for other daughters within the household. Unavoidably, the overall status of the family and household are lowered by having a divorcee living with amongst them. A woman's class and caste are a major factor in her acceptance back into society. Women from higher classes tend to have an easier time than middle or lower class women in returning to the social order after a divorce. An exception to this model is the extreme bottom of the society who have experienced little rebuff from peers after a divorce. This results from their already atypical status in society

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